I've been taking Paint Shop Pro through its paces trying to get more accurate colours fro my photos and trying to make them clearer, but hey, there's only so much you can do!

Here we have my Silky Tie Wrap, at the halfway mark. It's barely visible, but on the right hand side, you can see the base triangle shape, and then the side panel and finally the tie triangle, which is a little short to my liking. Oh well, this may be a gift for someone if it doesn't fit :)

My Under the Hoodie sleeve. 68 rows down, 50 some to go. I hate sleeves for the sole fact that you have to increase so much. it means math >.>

This is a photo of my brother wearing the hat I made him for his birthday in December. It's Hot Head from SnB, made from various chunky yarns I had on hand, including Titan, my fave chunky yarn so far-it's so freakin' soft!

And last, but not least, I give you Mahoot, my other cat that is not as well represented on my blog as Carlos, his brother and partner in crime. How can he sleep like this? I don't know, but he has a chair stealing habit. I stood up to reach behind my computer and hook up my web cam, and I wasn't up more than 2 seconds when he was snuggled into this position! Lousy chair stealer!
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