Progress: 1 complete mitten, a few rounds of the cuff on the second
To Go: 1 whole mitten less a few rounds of cuff. I'm not a total slacker though. I just had a lot of other stuff going on. This week was the week before "Spring Break" (Reading Week as my profs call it), so I had papers, assignments and tests to do. Yay school!
Activities other than knitting done on day: Met with my Creative Procees profeesor to discuss my creative project (a short story ah-thank you), visited my yarn
Total hours of knitting: hmm, maybe 15 minutes? My heart just wasn't in it.
Photo: None for the mittens,, I did get around to finishing that shrug I mentioned...

and a matching purse....

and then I started this sweater (In Old Rose, Dark Natural Mix, Maize and Chesnut Brown in Patons Classic Wool, of course)....

Ok, so I'm an Olympic Slacker. Shame on me.
Medals Won By Canada: 2 Gold, 4 Silver, 5 Bronze. That's like, 3rd place in the standings!
Woman's Hockey: Canada 6, Finland 0. Oh, and Canada 8, Sweden 1. Yeah, it's 38 goals for and 1 against. I <3 you women's team.
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