The knitting blog of a Halifax, Nova Scotia-based woman who has recently graduated from University of King's College. She started knitting the summer of 2004, and hasn't stopped since. Other than knitting, she enjoys reading (Harry Potter being her obsession), playing DDR, attempting to sew, snapping photos, drinking and dancing at the local gay bar, hanging out with her two cats, and her husband, whom she married July 21, 2007.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Opal sock- a beaut!
"fdIeeer"- Carlos, stepping on the keyboard. I finished Sock # 1 with my Opalsock yarn. It looks gorgeous, but it's so floppy! How do I fix this with blocking?I kneed a sock form, I think.... Carlos seems to like the sock, and so do I, despite its elepahantitus.
Ooooh...that's the color Crystal (my yarn dealer...I mean supplier) was talking about. I MUST get it now. It's very close to Patons Astra in "Ultra Blue", my fave yarn. But it's discontinued ;(
Cute socks! The yarn for my VK tank is Patons Katrina in "Lagoon". Isn't it nice?
Ooooh...that's the color Crystal (my yarn dealer...I mean supplier) was talking about. I MUST get it now. It's very close to Patons Astra in "Ultra Blue", my fave yarn. But it's discontinued ;(
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