Each and every one of my new posts here on blogger seems to be some sort of apology or excuse. It takes me weeks, even months, for me to post. Why, you ask? Am I that slow at knitting that I produce only a few FOs a year? No, quite the opposite. I have become a high volume knitter, completing a project almost every day I am at work.
Do I have too much to do? Well, that was the case a couple months ago, when I was preparing for my wedding, and a few months back when I graduated from University of King's College. But other than that, no, I have plenty of time to update. I just don't! Why, because, while I could knit until my hands fall off, I am an extremely lazy person. I am trying desperately to fix that. Every other day I try to get out for a long walk. I am trying to force myself out into the job market and find something that is not necessarily in my desired field of future work (library and archival work, for anyone who has a job needing filled out there!) that pays better and has more hours than my job now, which gives me the flexibility to knit while I'm there but is terrible on the budget. I have, over the past few months, learned what it is like to be rejected for a job. I had, until recently, applied for jobs with multiple openings and minimum wage salaries. But now, I am applying for government granted, single-position postings and higher salaried, bigger responibilities, etc, etc, and you would think a BA would count for something. Unfortunately, all the jobs I have applied for, I have either been turned down or never been responded back to. This has sent me into a spiral of depression, which definately does not help my job hunt.
There is however, a glimmer of hope. My LYS, which I like to think I've been a loyal customer to, is in need of a helping hand. I'm in the process of writing the owner back to accept her offer of working for her when others employees are off. I couldn't be happier!
Now, as to my knitting, I unfortunatly have a camera that is either on the fritz or batteries that need replacing. I had set up a photo of 5 dishcloths, 17 scarves, 4 hats and a calorimetry to be photographed, but I can't get my camera to turn on. These are all meant to be sold at the 50 Mile Yard Sale this weekend, if I can just get a hold of my mother! I plan on making at least 3 more scarves, as this is where my money will be gained (I hope). I'm nervous they won't sell, but I want to get my feet wet in selling my knitted goods, since I will never wear all of my scarves!
Well, I'm going to dig around for some photos to finish off this blog entry, but first, a 3 things meme I got from Mikkers over at
Domestitchery3 things that scare me
-walking alone or waiting for the bus at night
-Big dogs off their leash
-Death in general
3 people who make me laugh
- my husband Greg
- Kat
-Kit (I know, Kit Kat, ha ha ha ha)
3 things I love
- cats
- knitting
- chocolate
3 things I hate
- most people who drive the roads of Halifax
- Homophobes
-People who think they can get away with anything
3 things I don’t understand
- most computer stuff (Greg's the IT major, but even he can't explain it to me!)
- French, even though I spent about 10 years studying it in school
- How Crocs have become so popular
3 things on my desk
- An almost finished "Party" dishcloth from
this pattern- my cell phone
- a stack of nearly obsolete CDs
3 things I’m doing right now
- Worrying about the LYS job (she's not getting back until the 10th!)
- Hoping I can go home for the 50 mile yard sale
- Wondering how I'll make it to the 14th on $9.
3 things I want to do before I die
- Have two children (hopefully little redheaded girls!)
- Have a sucessful career
- See Europe and Asia
3 things I can do
- Procrastinate but still acheive high marks
- Be top producer at work
- Keep calm under enormous pressure
3 things I can’t do
- Keep my apartment clean (yes, me too!)
- Simple math without a piece of paper or calculator
- stop doing my job at work- even though i hate it, I can't goof off or slow my dialing down...it's just not in me to be like the slackers who piss me off!
3 things I think you should listen to
- your parents!
Mika. His songs are just so upbeat! And I think he's the reincarnated Freddie Mercury.
- Your heart
3 things you should never listen to (but you know you want to)
- Any music by Paris Hilton
- Most "gangsta" rap unless you want to feel degraded ladies!
3 shows I watched as a kid
- Full House
- Blossom
-Ready Or Not

My Under the Hoodie is finally finished! Now It needs to get cold enough to wear it!

Ugh, terrible picture... I'm not happy with the length!

Closeup of a beautiful scarf I made that I'll be selling this weekend!

The body of a bag I've made, it needs the straps now and possibly a lining!

Closeup of the yarn,
Moda Dea Cache in Wink.
Our wedding!
July 21, 2007

The kiss!

The wedding party. Bottom row: My MIL, Hailey, my cousin and flower Girl, Dad
Middle Row: FIL, Greg, Me, Mom
Back Row(s): Weasel (Greg's uncle), Nic (Greg's friend), Apollo (My brother), my four bridesmaids and friends, Cait, Sara, Karyn and Kat (maid of honour)

One of my favorite phots of Greg and I!

My family

My dress. Alfred Angelo, Ivory and Robin's Egg Blue. My flowers were blue Hydrangea, Ivory roses, and yellow Freesia.
Until my camera comes back to normal, that's all for now!